Friday, September 16, 2011

Why we need change in Rocky Hill

If you were a CEO and owned your own company, how many people on the council would you trust to run your business?

I don't have anything personal against the six Democrats on the council. I've talked to mayor LaRosa regarding issues several times and I think he's really personable and easy to talk to.

However, just because I like a person doesn't mean I should like the decisions they're making and would trust them with my finances.

However, thats exactly what we're doing by electing the same people to spend OUR tax money. The current electorate has been in power for years and good decisions with our money have not been made. Rt. 3 is a traffic nightmare as a result of poor development planning. We're rolling in portables behind Stevens school because the past referendums were out of touch in terms of cost and scope. The foundry remains an eyesore and the Silas Deane corridor has been neglected for economic development.

When companies stagnate and make the decisions similar to the ones our council has made, a reorganization is needed to get the business back on track. Decision makers are replaced with people that have fresh ideas and a new direction.

Rocky Hill needs to be run like a business. We need a reorganization in Rocky Hill to clean out the stale decision makers and get some fresh faces in there willing to tackle some of the issues I mentioned above and get Rocky Hill back on track.

I'm not a quitter and if elected will work to get Rocky Hill back on the map as one of the most appealing towns for business and families without breaking the bank.


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